Adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone
Adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone

adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone

Even better, you can take an image that already looks pretty good and make it a real winner. I dumped over 10,000 photos into Photoshop Elements' library. The next Windows release, Vista, will have some comprehensive photo tools, but having the organizing system and editing tools in one package is advantageous. You can take a dark or underexposed image and make it usable with curves and a few filters. There is no Photoshop Elements 5.0 for the Mac, probably for good reason. The tasks that follow help you to optimize any given file, making it the best it can be. Sharp details, rich and complex color, and the look of texture are all created by manipulating black, white, and shades of gray.

adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone

In addition to its expressive qualities, tonality also helps to sharpen an image, even as it increases the contrast.

adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone

If you want to create a strong feeling in an image, consider exaggerating the tonality in some way. It can establish a full-contrast range, create a feeling of darkness and danger, or obliterate outlines in the form of fog or mist. I'm using this somewhat poetic introduction to emphasize the fact that tonality is one of the most expressive elements of an image. Tonality is black and white and shades of gray tonality is a histogram, a halftone, salt and pepper, the I Love Lucy show, and a dark foreboding sky hanging low over the concrete streets of New York. As far as digital images are concerned, tonality refers to the grayscale values from 0 to 255 that differentiate the image pixels. The tasks in this part look at how to work with image tonality. How to Use the Dodge, Burn, and Sponge Tools

Adobe photoshop elements 5.0 halftone